Custom Query (169 matches)


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Results (126 - 150 of 169)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2740 Disabling upload is ineffective bug minor Future Unknown
#2760 [win32] Use winsound instead of pygame for notification sound bug minor 2.x Plugin
#2779 AutoAdd plugin disabling watched folders with WindowsError 32 bug minor Plugin
#2793 VPN Only plugin plugin-request minor Future Plugin
#2809 [Mac OS X] Support Ctrl-click to do right-click bug minor GTK UI
#2824 Adding torrents from file or url web gui feature-request minor needs verified Web UI
#2834 PYTHON_EGG_CACHE not set on FreeBSD bug minor not applicable Web UI
#2853 Adding torrents with existing data may error with timestamp difference bug minor 1.3.13 Core
#2856 error message at startup: 'dict' object has no attribute 'outgoing_ports' bug minor needs verified Core
#2878 user name rules here on trac bug minor not applicable Unknown
#2945 autoadd torrent broken with systemd service bug minor 1.3.14 Core
#2992 [Win32] Resolve empty value fields issue by updating attached GTK + bug minor needs verified Packaging
#2997 Adding torrent through JSON API fails due to "Invalid JSON request content-type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8" bug minor needs verified Unknown
#3093 Speed regulation ignored. bug minor not applicable libtorrent
#3159 Random crashes (could be realted to libtorrent alerts code) bug minor Future Core
#3297 deluged pid adds extra number bug minor needs verified Unknown
#3414 Deluge UI cannot start with gtk+3 3.24.18 bug minor not applicable GTK UI
#46 change default PREFIX to /usr/local markybob bug trivial 0.5.x
#135 Please add a column in the torrent list showing a tracker name markybob feature-request trivial 0.5.x
#177 Drag select in scheduler plugin markybob plugin-request trivial Plugin
#183 Share ratios of open torrents are reset to zero markybob bug trivial 0.5.x
#210 Blocklist Plugin is unclear in documentation markybob feature-request trivial 0.5.x
#221 DBusException at /torrent/add mvoncken bug trivial Web UI
#232 Deluge version 5.8.9 on Ubuntu 8.04 markybob bug trivial 0.5.x
#266 Wrong ETA when some files of a torrent are not downloaded markybob bug trivial 0.5.x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.