Custom Query (169 matches)


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Results (151 - 169 of 169)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2233 Deluge client assumes uses local file system when connected to server over ssh tunnel feature-request minor Future GTK UI
#2627 Storing Files On another Server feature-request trivial Future Core
#2722 "Use this proxy for all connection types" feature-request minor Future GTK UI
#2824 Adding torrents from file or url web gui feature-request minor needs verified Web UI
#2854 Don't re-create the whole config files while updating content feature-request major needs verified Core
#65 Bloglist import error "invalid leader" markybob plugin-request minor 0.5.x
#177 Drag select in scheduler plugin markybob plugin-request trivial Plugin
#237 [PATCH] plugins: Teach TorrentPeers to block IP andar plugin-request major Plugin
#282 Add rating as seen in azureus andar plugin-request trivial Plugin
#970 Port search plugin andar plugin-request major Plugin
#1186 Integrated RSS Plugin John Garland plugin-request minor 2.x Plugin
#1933 Tracker request plugin-request minor Plugin
#2793 VPN Only plugin plugin-request minor Future Plugin
#2281 [PATCH] Add total_wanted_done into status and display in UI patch major Future Core
#2332 Speed optimizations to torrent.get_status patch minor performance Core
#1137 FreeBSD port broken defect critical Core
#1203 Error in Trac: "Browse Source" defect minor Unknown
#1220 Deluge 1.2.3 doesn't work with libtorrent 0.15 defect major Core
#1288 Deluge not work with Wine defect major Future Unknown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.