Custom Query (171 matches)


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Results (1 - 25 of 171)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#2816 GTK not refreshing torrent view from iconified bug major 2.0.0 GTK UI
#2825 Deluge Web UI Issues bug minor needs verified Web UI
#2860 WebUI plugin crashes deluge bug major 1.3.13 Unknown
#2865 WebUI CPU usage goes to 100% on one core of the processor after a few days with Deluge 1.3.13 - Arch Linux bug minor needs verified Web UI
#2868 OSX sound notification is still greyed out bug minor needs verified Packaging
#2887 Daemon not starting bug minor needs verified Unknown
#2912 GTK Problems: Sidebar not Working, GUI Randomly Hangs bug major needs verified GTK UI
#2934 free disk space bug minor 2.0.0 Unknown
#2937 Freebsd deluged memory leak bug major needs verified libtorrent
#2950 libtorrent error undefined symbol: _ZN5boost4asio2ip10address_v4C1ERKNS_5arrayIhLm4EEE bug critical needs verified libtorrent
#2962 deluge-gtk freezes when using the Open Folder function with nemo bug minor needs verified GTK UI
#3005 torrent not showing bug minor needs verified Unknown
#3022 WebUI Not Working on Linux Mint bug minor needs verified Plugin
#3040 No connection bug major needs verified Unknown
#3071 KeyError in core bug minor 2.0.0 Core
#3107 Some torrents can't be renamed bug minor needs verified Unknown
#7 Link to home page in About window doesn't work bug trivial
#12 ratio forgotten bug major
#18 Deluge webui-client quits, server doing the lemming thing... bug major
#124 Blocklist plugin completely broken, plus it <probably> doesn't honour the "download every XYZ days" setting bug major Plugin
#1122 Needless re-checking of some torrents when deluge restarted without internet connection bug major Core
#1224 Deluge doesn't use the "share ratio limit" in general preferences bug major Core
#1230 Plugin label doesn't apply correctly the preferences when I change torrent between labels bug major 1.3 Plugin
#1231 Deluge-gtk doesn't preserve the displayed columns between restarts of daemon bug trivial 1.3.2 GTK UI
#1270 Sometimes gtkUI doesn't show correctly the torrent list for a category bug major Future GTK UI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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