Custom Query (171 matches)


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Results (76 - 100 of 171)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#508 Selecting "Other..." as download directory doesnt work andar bug major GTK UI
#511 warn when trying to reactivate an automatically paused seed andar bug minor Unknown
#537 pb on screen preference andar bug blocker Unknown
#562 Big memory leak in deluged andar bug major Core
#574 Per-torrent download limits are often lost egoguerillas bug major GTK UI
#580 Not all torrents added when adding torrents. andar bug major Unknown
#618 Share Ratio only keeps track of current session andar bug major Unknown
#677 _XCBUnlockDisplay (xcb_get_request_sent) error while creating and adding a torrent andar bug major Unknown
#740 Window not redrawn after maximize from system tray markybob bug major Windows OS
#765 deluged 1.1.1 fails to start on gentoo andar bug minor Core
#786 When removing torrent, torrent file is not deleted andar bug minor Unknown
#788 Window size and position not remembered markybob bug critical Windows OS
#810 MainWindow does not remember width and height andar bug major GTK UI
#811 Adding exising Torrent to Seed andar bug major Unknown
#846 high cpu with many torrents andar bug major Unknown
#857 Queue Up/Down buttons not work andar bug major GTK UI
#858 Input-output error on uncomplete downloads after restarting deluge EXT4 andar bug critical Core
#898 problem with lables and "move ready torrent" function andar bug major Unknown
#901 Segmentation fault on startup in svn r5146 andar bug major Unknown
#923 "Checking 0.00%" andar bug major Unknown
#929 deluge opens link in about window twice andar bug minor GTK UI
#968 Sidebar active tab not workin andar bug major GTK UI
#975 Deluge version in "About" still at 1.1.6 andar bug trivial Unknown
#1025 [deluged] zlib not available andar bug major Core
#1027 daemon fails to start if label plugin enabled andar bug major Plugin
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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