Custom Query (171 matches)


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Results (126 - 150 of 171)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1948 deluge should delete pid files when quitting. bug minor Future Unknown
#1977 UI does not display one particular torrent bug minor 2.0.0 Console UI
#2017 WebUI gets into an endless Login loop Damien Churchill bug minor 1.3.4 Web UI
#2058 Mistake of showing peers,seeds in "( )" Damien Churchill bug major Web UI
#2128 Move Storage moves wrong torrents. bug critical Unknown
#2138 Saving a picture using Snipping Tool for Windows 7 causes Deluge to crash. bug minor 1.3.6 Unknown
#2207 Issue with Geo Location bug critical Future Unknown
#2288 Cannot add this type of torrent Damien Churchill bug minor Web UI
#2291 Stop seed at ratio not respected with GUI closed bug minor 2.0.0 Core
#2309 Trailing slash in torrent download path errors out torrent Calum bug minor 1.3.7 Web UI
#2319 Leak in webui Damien Churchill bug major not applicable Web UI
#2323 [win32] https tracker issue with libtorrent 0.16.x on windows 2.7py client bug major not applicable libtorrent
#2328 Exception when stopping daemon after switching from classic to thenclient mode without restart bug trivial 2.0.0 GTK UI
#2348 webui js crashes in opera Damien Churchill bug critical not applicable Web UI
#2358 Per label torrent listing doesn't work bug major 2.0.0 GTK UI
#2364 Dialog focus when multiple torrents added from magnet links bug minor GTK UI
#2384 invisible throttling bug? bug major Future Core
#2390 Deluged Crash Upon Adding Torrent bug minor Future Unknown
#2419 Deluge freezes upon adding magnets or torrent files bug major Future Core
#2441 Deluge isn't sorting torrents properly bug minor Unknown
#2449 Unable to add a .torrent file in deluge 1.3.6 in Debian. bug major not applicable Console UI
#2452 Ratio of seeding-only torrent bug minor Unknown
#2453 Sometimes crashes after torrent file updates through updattor plugin bug critical not applicable GTK UI
#2465 Torrentview showing download rate of another torrent on a paused torrent bug minor 2.x GTK UI
#2564 GTKUI edit trackers "up" button doesn't update list order bug minor GTK UI
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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