Custom Query (110 matches)


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Results (76 - 100 of 110)

1 2 3 4 5

Status: new (25 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#3033 Priority should appear on directories if descendants have the same one feature-request minor GTK UI 1.3.14
#3057 Travis test fails to handle existing daemon running on 58900 bug minor Core develop
#3061 WebAPITestCase.test_add_host failing intermittently on travis bug minor Web UI develop
#3078 OSX menubar and accelerator keys broken bug minor GTK UI develop
#3128 Bad charset encoding in "tracker state" field bug minor Core develop
#3153 Global speed limits ignored bug minor Unknown develop
#3213 Unable to partially download torrent bug minor Unknown develop
#3217 deluge-console does not easily support alternative connections for interactive sessions feature-request minor Console UI develop
#3252 Replace deprecated pkg_resources bug minor Core develop
#3253 macOS GdkQuartzWindow set timestamp bug minor GTK UI develop
#3254 Migrate Windows version stamping feature-request minor Packaging develop
#3308 New webapi with interactive docs (swagger-ui) feature-request minor Web UI develop
#3331 Localization on mac bug minor Translations 2.0.3
#3352 Tracker will not be updated (v2.0.3) bug minor libtorrent 2.0.3
#3363 web-ui logs do not show real ip when proxied bug minor Unknown 2.0.3
#3463 New geoip discussion feature-request minor Web UI 2.0.0
#3577 Deluge tray icon not showing after closing bug minor Unknown 2.1.0
#3645 Feature Request: toggle all torrents via API feature-request minor Core 2.0.5
#1212 Pause all torrents & auto resume after timeout feature-request major Unknown
#1391 Improve queue changing performance Damien Churchill feature-request major Web UI 1.3.1
#2257 [lt.sess_set.active_*] Allow setting of active_dht_limit, active_tracker_limit and active_lsd_limit. Fix bugs. patch major Core 1.3-stable
#2703 Check existing files before renaming a file to prevent clobber feature-request major Core 1.3.6
#2710 WebUI console flood: AuthError: Not authenticated bug major Web UI develop
#2929 Extractor updating config even with no change bug major Plugin develop
#2930 Potential issue with using inspect in log.get_plugin_logger bug major Core develop
(more results for this group on next page)
1 2 3 4 5
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