Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#1088 closed bug (WorksForMe)

deluge-console pause hangs without any action and errors

Reported by: Murz Owned by: andar
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown Version: 1.2.0_rc4
Keywords: Cc:


I have using deluge-torrent from PPA on Kubuntu Karmic AMD64. Command "info" works perfectly after upgrade to rc4:

$deluge-console info
Name: torrent_name
ID: e234460a6b08b872a752b559c813bb4415fc493a
State: Paused                               
Size: 40.1 MiB/1.1 GiB Ratio: 0.017         
Progress: 3.41% [##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]

and after command I see the command prompt (user@host:/$).

But if I try to pause or resume, the deluge-console shows:

$ deluge-console pause *
Usage: pause [ * | <torrent-id> [<torrent-id> ...] ]

and hangs without errors. I try to wait 1-5 minutes, but it isn't help. I can stop the process via Ctrl+C.

If I try to pause one torrent, it hangs too:

$ deluge-console pause e234460a6b08b872a752b559c813bb4415fc493a
Usage: pause [ * | <torrent-id> [<torrent-id> ...] ]

If I place the command in quotes (deluge-console "pause *") - it hangs without any output.

On resuming it hangs too, I try many variants:

deluge-console pause *
deluge-console "pause *"
deluge-console 'pause *'
deluge-console "pause *;"
deluge-console "pause \*"
deluge-console resume *
deluge-console "pause\ *"

But nothing works. And I can successfully control the deluge daemon via GUI interface. Where can be the problem?

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Murz, 15 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Sorry, wrong info, commands are act on the daemon normally, they pause and resume torrents, but after this action deluge-console didn't exit. I try those variants

deluge-console "pause *; quit"
deluge-console "resume *; quit"

and they works successfully.

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