Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#1116 closed bug (Fixed)

[PATCH] enable 'exit' command even if not connected to daemon

Reported by: cdep_illabout Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: 1.2.0
Component: Console UI Version: 1.3.0_dev
Keywords: exit, quit, console, not connected Cc:


If you run deluge-console and you are not connected to the daemon, you can't use the "exit" command because it is an alias of the "quit" command.

I have attached two different patches that take care of this in different ways.

"enable_exit_if_not_connected.patch" just adds "exit" to the list of commands that can be run even if you are not connected.

"enable_exit_if_not_connected-complete.patch" checks "help", "connect", and "quit" for aliases, and allows the aliases to be run as well. (The coding style for this addition may be a little weird, so you may have to change it a little bit.)

Attachments (2)

enable_exit_if_not_connected.patch (582 bytes ) - added by cdep_illabout 15 years ago.
enable_exit_if_not_connected-complete.patch (793 bytes ) - added by cdep_illabout 15 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

by cdep_illabout, 15 years ago

by cdep_illabout, 15 years ago

comment:1 by andar, 15 years ago

Milestone: 1.2.0
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

This has been fixed in [6074]. I went with a slightly different approach.

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