Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#1247 closed defect (Fixed)

deluge-gtk hangs on shutdown

Reported by: John Garland Owned by: John Garland
Priority: critical Milestone: 1.3.1
Component: Unknown Version: 1.3.0
Keywords: shutdown freeze hang close Cc:,

Description (last modified by John Garland)

Arch Linux (2.6.33) x86_64

strace shows it hanging on:

futex(0x2694a80, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 0, NULL

This happens when using the system tray menu. Sending a SIGTERM works fine.

Change History (8)

comment:2 by John Garland, 14 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 by John Garland, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

comment:4 by shining, 14 years ago

Cc: added

I've two arch clients (i686 and x86_64) and one debian server all running 1.2.3. The two arch systems have this problem.

SIGINT (2) and SIGTERM (15) do not work, but KILL (9) QUIT (3) and probably others do work.

I've just tested 1.3.0 branch and I am very glad to see it's fixed there, but that does not seem compatible with 1.2.3. i.e. I can connect with my 1.3.0 client to 1.2.3 server, but I only see the status bar with global download/upload speed, no access to torrents information and to preferences.

I guess I will just backport that fix to 1.2.3 myself.

comment:5 by shining, 14 years ago

Damn, I just saw 1.2-stable branch has that fix already, that's perfect for me then. Easy to build and it works :) Thanks !

I will still ask if there will be a 1.2.4 release, but that's just out of curiosity.

comment:6 by John Garland, 14 years ago

Seeing 1.3 is in RC stage, there's not going to be a 1.2.4.

comment:7 by sroecker, 14 years ago

Cc: added
Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened
Version: 1.3.0_dev1.3.0

Unfortunately this bug is still in 1.3.0.

More info[[BR]]

Cherry-picking commit e025b6b9db4f1bddfb92b269ed82e64923dec0b6 solves this.

comment:8 by John Garland, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

This has been fixed in git and will be in Deluge 1.3.1.

comment:9 by John Garland, 14 years ago

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