Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#1396 closed bug (WontFix)

"Open" and "Open Folder" context menu items cause 100% CPU usage

Reported by: dwagonfwy Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: GTK UI Version: 1.3.1
Keywords: Open File, Open Folder, cpu, 100%, spike Cc:,


xubuntu 10.10
deluge 1.3.1 (ppa)

right-clicking a torrent and choosing "Open Folder" from the context menu causes /usr/bin/deluge to spike to 100% cpu usage until the process is killed. this happens whether or not deluge is started with the command "deluge-gtk" or "deluge".

the process must be killed, resulting terminal output:

method return sender=:1.26 -> dest=:1.48 reply_serial=2

attempts to fix this include:
reinstalling everything deluge related
reinstalling everything python related
removing ~/.config/deluge

will supply more info & logs if needed.

Change History (14)

comment:1 by Calum, 14 years ago

Component: othergtkui
Keywords: ppa removed
Milestone: Future1.3.x
Summary: "Open Folder" context menu item causing 100% cpu in /usr/bin/deluge"Open Folder" context menu item causing 100% cpu usage
Version: other (please specify)1.3.1

As suggested by Andar, this could be related to a previous pygtk bug, where opening an external application caused high cpu usage.

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by Calum, 14 years ago

I thought i would add that the only workaround that we can suggest is to turn off Classic Mode (may require deluged to be installed) so that deluged can continue to run in the background when you close Deluge-Gtk. This also will prevent torrent problems if the GTK app crashes.

comment:3 by dwagonfwy, 14 years ago

i tried what you suggested (installed deluged, disable classic mode) with the same exact result. 100% cpu usage after clicking "Open Folder" in the context menu.

can anyone confirm this behavior in xubuntu 10.10? i'll do some further testing on ubuntu 10.10 to see if it's not an xfce only issue.

comment:4 by Calum, 14 years ago

No that will not fix the actual GTK client problem. Sorry I possibly didn’t make it completely clear.

What I meant was that to stop the GTK client completely tying up your machine while its downloading in the background you can start it up to load the torrents then close it and let deluged continue downloading.

You could also enable the webui plugin and access deluged using your browser http://localhost:8112

comment:5 by dwagonfwy, 14 years ago

well, i did some further testing and the bug is present on both xubuntu & ubuntu 10.10 live cd's. that's with a clean boot-up environment; nothing else except deluge-torrent 1.3.0 & it's dependencies were installed or used.

comment:6 by socker, 14 years ago

I confirm this problem, tested two computers using the same setup: Arch Linux, deluge 1.3.1-1, libtorrent-rasterbar 0.15.4-2.

comment:7 by flasher360, 14 years ago

same here:

ubuntu 10.10 64bit core version: 1.3.1 libtorrent version:

comment:8 by ariel cornejo, 14 years ago

Cc: added

comment:9 by mspacek, 14 years ago

Cc: added
Keywords: File added
Summary: "Open Folder" context menu item causing 100% cpu usage"Open" and "Open Folder" context menu items cause 100% CPU usage

I've noticed the same, not just for "Open Folder", but also for "Open" in the Files tab. Doing either causes 100% (actually, more like 96%) CPU usage of a single core, and has to be exited and restarted. This is in amd64 Ubuntu 10.10. Synaptic tells me I'm running deluge 1.3.1-2~maverick~ppa1 and libtorrent 0.15.4-0ubuntu1 from the deluge-team PPA, and python-gtk2 2.21.0-0ubuntu1. This looks like ticket #1060 rearing its head again.

While I'm at it, why is it that double-clicking a file in the files tab doesn't do anything? I always have to right click and then choose "Open" to actually open it. Or perhaps I'm just insane...

comment:10 by mspacek, 14 years ago

I'm now running from git master. Problem remains the same.

comment:11 by andar, 14 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

This is a pygtk bug, upgrading Deluge will not fix it.

in reply to:  11 comment:12 by mspacek, 14 years ago

Replying to andar:

This is a pygtk bug, upgrading Deluge will not fix it.

What are the prospects for pygtk devs implementing and distributing a fix reasonably soon? This is a pretty serious bug in my opinion. I imagine there is more than one way to launch an external app. Could a workaround in deluge perhaps be doable until pygtk gets it fixed?

Also, has this been reported to pygtk? Anyone have a link to their bug?

comment:13 by Calum, 14 years ago

For reference there is a patch and will be fixed in pygtk 2.24. It may be backported in Ubuntu:

Note that there is a patched deb available.

comment:14 by Calum, 9 years ago

Milestone: 1.3.x

Milestone deleted

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