Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#1473 closed patch (Fixed)

Adding support for switching uid after startup for daemons

Reported by: Cameron Tacklind Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: 2.0.0
Component: Core Version: 1.3.1
Keywords: Cc:


I've written a patch to let deluged and deluge-web be started by root and then switch UIDs (and GIDs). The main reason for this (for me) is so they can write a pidfile (specified at the command line) as root and then switch to regular/lower privileges.

I also cleaned up the forking in deluged (before ever looking at the deluge-web source) and then saw that it was done in this much cleaner way in the deluge-web daemon.

Attachments (3)

deluged-setuid.patch (3.3 KB ) - added by Cameron Tacklind 14 years ago.
Updated version that sets gid correctly and before uid
deluge-webui-setuid.patch (2.9 KB ) - added by Cameron Tacklind 14 years ago.
deluge-web-setuid.patch (2.9 KB ) - added by Cameron Tacklind 14 years ago.
Updated version that sets gid correctly and before uid

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (13)

comment:1 by Cameron Tacklind, 14 years ago

Cc: added
Component: othercore
Milestone: Future1.3.2
Priority: majorminor
Type: defectpatch
Version: other (please specify)1.3.1

comment:2 by Damien Churchill, 14 years ago

We can't apply the patch in it's current state.

It can't use pwd/grp as they don't exist on Windows so will have to add some checks using deluge.common.is_windows()

comment:3 by Cameron Tacklind, 14 years ago

Does just moving the imports to inside the 'if not deluge.common.windows_check():' fix that? While I write plenty of software, my python level is still at "hacker"

comment:4 by Damien Churchill, 14 years ago

Yup that'll be absolutely fine. Python won't execute the code inside the if when it's running on windows, and it will be as if that if wasn't there on other platforms.

One mistake in the deluged-setuid.patch, true should be True, true will throw a name error in Python.

Also it would be quite nice if the options were only added when not running on windows too, since otherwise there are pointless options added to the output, so wrapping those in an if deluge.common.windows_check() would be excellent.

by Cameron Tacklind, 14 years ago

Attachment: deluged-setuid.patch added

Updated version that sets gid correctly and before uid

by Cameron Tacklind, 14 years ago

Attachment: deluge-webui-setuid.patch added

by Cameron Tacklind, 14 years ago

Attachment: deluge-web-setuid.patch added

Updated version that sets gid correctly and before uid

comment:5 by Cameron Tacklind, 14 years ago

I've moved the appropriate imports around add taken out the options on non-supported systems. This enabled some trimming of extra tests in many places.

I also applied that change to the forking command line options. They don't need to be displayed if unsupported. The one problem with this is for the daemon, if the option isn't displayed, it would default to effectively false, and then try to daemonize on non supported systems, so I had to check if running windows/osx twice.

One obvious (and probably preferred) solution would be to change the --do-not-daemonize option to --fork to match the webui. An obvious problem with that is the chance of breaking current installations.

PS: While I think this should be obvious (especially since so little was written) if there are any copyright/legal concerns with my work, the standard OSS non-liability claims apply. If there are any rights that might be mine, I release my code to the Public Domain.

comment:6 by Damien Churchill, 14 years ago

Thanks a lot, I will try and get around to applying your patch to master at some point today!

comment:7 by Damien Churchill, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Applied in master r9a54beef78, had to make a slight change to the deluge-web patch as deluge.common wasn't imported when the options are added, but sorted that.

comment:8 by Damien Churchill, 14 years ago


Sorry should probably add since the 1.3.x series is supposed to be only bug fixes I'm only going to apply this to master.

comment:9 by Calum, 9 years ago

Milestone: 2.0.x2.0

comment:10 by Calum, 6 years ago


Milestone renamed

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