Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#1907 closed bug (Fixed)

deluged sometimes not saving torrent state on exit

Reported by: B2BF Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 1.3.4
Component: Core Version: 1.3.2
Keywords: download order, queue numbers Cc:


I've got Deluge 1.3.2 on Ubuntu 10.04. And I noticed, that Deluge mixes download order on start or exit (so, the first torrent to be download before exit can become the 14th after the next start). I mean the queue numbers are changing.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by Calum, 14 years ago

Milestone: Future1.3.4

comment:2 by B2BF, 14 years ago

You asked: "How are you exiting Deluge? Is it closing cleanly?"

To exit Deluge I just click with LMB at Deluge icon on a taskbar (where the date and the time are) and then choose "Exit" from the menu. Sometimes it does, sometime it doesn't (especially, if it was running for several days). Anyway, the queue numbers are changing.

How can I find out if it is closing cleanly? Any log?

comment:3 by Calum, 14 years ago

If it does not close properly then it will not save an updated state file thus makes sense for the order to be different.

The logs will show if the state file was saved successfully:

comment:4 by Ryan8, 13 years ago

I have the same issue. Deluge prints to stdout "[WARNING ] 01:37:56 core:161 Failed to save lt state: 'session' object has no attribute 'state'"

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by Calum, 13 years ago

Summary: Deluge 1.3.2 mixes download order of torrents on start or exit...deluged sometimes not saving torrent state on exit

Replying to Ryan8:

I have the same issue. Deluge prints to stdout "[WARNING ] 01:37:56 core:161 Failed to save lt state: 'session' object has no attribute 'state'"

I'm afraid that warning is irrelevant to the issue. It will require more debugging to determine exactly why it fails to save state file but I have seen the issue occur.

comment:6 by Calum, 13 years ago

Milestone: 1.3.x1.3.4
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

A fix was applied to 1.3-stable that should sort this issue: 0676aaf91

Reopen and update if still facing issues.

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