Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#2012 closed bug (WontFix)

"Download location" bug

Reported by: Redsandro Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: GTK UI Version: 1.3.3
Keywords: Cc:


At certain times however, you'll want to download something directly to a certain location, e.g. a certain drive. You can specify that in the add torrent dialog. However, the set-in-preferences option move when done does not get ignored anymore when you specify a download location other than the set-in-preferences default. This causes the entire download to move back to the default location set for finished downloads, even though it is most likely that you don't want to move when done your download when you have manually specified a different location for the download.

Details see:

Attachments (1)

label.png (9.9 KB ) - added by Calum 13 years ago.
Label Plugin Location

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (14)

comment:1 by Calum, 13 years ago

Component: othergtkui
Milestone: Future1.3.x
Version: other (please specify)1.3.3

comment:2 by Calum, 13 years ago

If we added an entry for Move Completed to the Add Dialog as per #2013 and it included a checkbox to disable it (like in Options Tab) would that cover what you are asking?

comment:3 by Redsandro, 13 years ago


I propose that when you change the download location, you did it with good reason and thus shouldn't move when completed by default in that case anymore.

Yes, a checkbox would work in cases where a download is added manually, but if you - for example - got Flexget downloading a webcast, and all your webcasts are automatically added to Deluge and the download targets are automatically changed to your cardreader, you don't want to move the completed downloads back to your hard drive. The only way to do that right now is disable "Move Completed" altogether.

You probably only use the default Move Completed when you have a special incoming folder set for default downloads to keep partial downloads away from complete ones, in which case I cannot think of a reason to keep the default Move Completed when the Download Target is deliberately changed.

comment:4 by Redsandro, 13 years ago

'You' as in 'We'. :)

comment:5 by Calum, 13 years ago

The main point here is that Download Location is, as it describes, the location that your torrents are downloaded to and thus should be seen as a temporary holding area before being moved to the correct place by Move Storage.

One example of using a different Download Location would be if you do not have enough space on the Download Location partition for a massive torrent, you would select another place while it's downloading but since do not want an unfinished torrent in your Move Storage location you keep Move Storage enabled.

I fail to see in your webcast scenario why you would not simply set the Move Completed to your cardreader location.

I also think it could cause confusion/annoyance if we automatically disabled 'Move Completed' when changing the Download Location and the user does not notice.

For Flexget you could set both path and move done to the same location or request an option such as; using the keyword False in move done to disable it.

by Calum, 13 years ago

Attachment: label.png added

Label Plugin Location

comment:6 by Calum, 13 years ago

I forgot to mention that I extensively use the Label plugin and one feature that applies here is that you can use a Label to disable the Move Storage for a torrent, as show in the attached screenshot.

comment:7 by Redsandro, 13 years ago

The label trick is interesting, I didn't know that.

As for the other subject, Download Location is indeed a holding area, if you will, for global downloads, like so:

Download Location -> Move Completed

/mnt/sdb1/incoming/ -> /mnt/sdb1/downloaded/

This is the default behaviour we choose to happen to added torrents, magnets, etc.

But if we (or a script) override the default Download Location storage device - either because the original one is full and/or because we want it on another storage device like an sdcard or usbstick or external drive on purpose - it is implied that we do not want to move the download back to the default location on completion. I think doing so would be illogical in 99% of cases.

/media/sdc1_sdcard/webcasts/ -> /mnt/sdb1/downloaded/ (illogical)

/media/sdc1_sdcard/webcasts/ -> [stay put] (default override)

Some scripts allow us to override the default download location, and when we do, it is obvious we do not want to move completed to the default setting anymore.

Although an option to change the Move Completed path in the dialog would be welcome to some users, I argue that the Move Completed option should automatically be disabled when something or someone changes the Download Location for a single download.

comment:8 by Redsandro, 13 years ago

PS - If I get you correctly, In the specific case of Flexget you can configure a download like so:


  • move done: false

to get the behavior that in my opinion should be default when a non-default Download Location is specified.

comment:9 by Calum, 13 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Closing ticket as we will not change the core functionality, it should be UI implemented and ticket #2013 covers this.

You would have to discuss with Flexget about adding such an option.

comment:10 by Redsandro, 13 years ago

Honest question:

I've illustrated a few cases where disabling move_completed is logical when changing download_location for a single download. Can you think of one case where it's logical to keep move_completed when you change download_location?

Doesn't this mean that the core functionality is wrong?

comment:11 by Redsandro, 13 years ago

I've illustrated a few cases where disabling move_completed is illogical*

(Me and my way with words)

comment:12 by Redsandro, 13 years ago

The same logic (as ticket #2013) applies imo to every way of changing the download_location for a single download. GUI, Web-UI, Terminal, or through plugins like FlexGet. No matter in what way you add and control your downloads, forcing a two step process to edit moveto after the torrent has started is always going to be illogical, and new users will probably always make the mistake of thinking Deluge will deduct from a changed download_location that the default move_completed has been obsoleted.

I'm not trying to be annoying here, because for me personally I can work with Deluge just fine now that I know about this. But I like Deluge, and it's little annoyances like this that seperate good software from great software.

comment:13 by Calum, 9 years ago

Milestone: 1.3.x

Milestone deleted

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