Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#2085 closed bug (Fixed)

Web interface does not show torrents in side bar categories other than 'All'

Reported by: WillyWolly Owned by: Damien Churchill
Priority: major Milestone: 1.3.6
Component: Web UI Version: 1.3.5
Keywords: win32, sidebar, categories, empty Cc:


In the web interface connected to a win32 Deluge, when clicking the categories in the side bar, other than 'All' (Paused, Queued, Seeding or Active, and the tracker-specific categories) no torrents come up.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by Calum, 13 years ago

Status: newpending

I am unable to replicate the issue you are reporting. Could you enable debug logging to check there for errors. Also ensure that you have not selected another filter such as a label.

comment:2 by WillyWolly, 13 years ago

Status: pendingnew

This issue occurs only when connecting to a daemon that is started when the Deluge's Windows GUI is opened (with Classic Mode enabled). When started just by running deluged the web interface does not have the issue.

You asked for a log, but it doesn't generate one. Am I doing it right? I just run

deluge -l deluge.log

which produces a file deluge.log, but it remains empty when reproducing the issue. What else can I try to investigate?

comment:3 by Mathieu Rochette, 13 years ago

try deluge -l deluge.log -L debug

comment:4 by WillyWolly, 13 years ago

Ok, that creates the log:

The following four entries correspond to clicking in the web interface, respectively, the All tab, the Seeding tab, the All tab again, and then the seeding tab again:

[DEBUG   ] 21:23:55 json_api:254 json-request: {"method":"web.update_ui","params":[["queue","name","total_size","state","progress","num_seeds","total_seeds","num_peers","total_peers","download_payload_rate","upload_payload_rate","eta","ratio","distributed_copies","is_auto_managed","time_added","tracker_host","save_path","total_done","total_uploaded","max_download_speed","max_upload_speed","seeds_peers_ratio"],{}],"id":105}
[DEBUG   ] 21:24:25 json_api:254 json-request: {"method":"web.update_ui","params":[["queue","name","total_size","state","progress","num_seeds","total_seeds","num_peers","total_peers","download_payload_rate","upload_payload_rate","eta","ratio","distributed_copies","is_auto_managed","time_added","tracker_host","save_path","total_done","total_uploaded","max_download_speed","max_upload_speed","seeds_peers_ratio"],{"state":"Seeding"}],"id":121}
[DEBUG   ] 21:24:51 json_api:254 json-request: {"method":"web.update_ui","params":[["queue","name","total_size","state","progress","num_seeds","total_seeds","num_peers","total_peers","download_payload_rate","upload_payload_rate","eta","ratio","distributed_copies","is_auto_managed","time_added","tracker_host","save_path","total_done","total_uploaded","max_download_speed","max_upload_speed","seeds_peers_ratio"],{}],"id":135}
[DEBUG   ] 21:25:15 json_api:254 json-request: {"method":"web.update_ui","params":[["queue","name","total_size","state","progress","num_seeds","total_seeds","num_peers","total_peers","download_payload_rate","upload_payload_rate","eta","ratio","distributed_copies","is_auto_managed","time_added","tracker_host","save_path","total_done","total_uploaded","max_download_speed","max_upload_speed","seeds_peers_ratio"],{"state":"Seeding"}],"id":148}

Furthermore, the log gets spammed with a host of 'performance warning: send buffer watermark too low (upload rate will suffer)' entries, whatever that may be.

in reply to:  4 ; comment:5 by Calum, 13 years ago

Replying to WillyWolly:

Ok, that creates the log:

The following four entries correspond to clicking in the web interface, respectively, the All tab, the Seeding tab, the All tab again, and then the seeding tab again:

Log entries look fine

Just to clarify you are running Deluge 1.3.5 on Windows (XP/Vista/7?) and this issue only shows up when you are running Deluge in Classic Mode and enabling the WebUI plugin?

What browser are you using and have you cleared your cookies?

Furthermore, the log gets spammed with a host of 'performance warning: send buffer watermark too low (upload rate will suffer)' entries, whatever that may be.


in reply to:  5 comment:6 by WillyWolly, 13 years ago

Replying to Cas:

Log entries look fine

Just to clarify you are running Deluge 1.3.5 on Windows (XP/Vista/7?) and this issue only shows up when you are running Deluge in Classic Mode and enabling the WebUI plugin?

Yes that's all correct and I'm running Windows 7 x64.

What browser are you using and have you cleared your cookies?

I tried with Firefox 12 and Internet Explorer 9 with cookies cleared, same result. I also tried it on a different machine with a seperate Deluge install, same result. Does it work on your end? Or can you reproduce it?


(Ah thanks, so that other problem will be fixed in the next version!)

comment:7 by Calum, 12 years ago

Milestone: Future1.3.x

comment:8 by Calum, 12 years ago

Milestone: 1.3.x1.3.6
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed 1.3-stable: 3ca886ac7a

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