Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#2119 new feature-request

Make webui able to immediately process specific magnet links through HTTP GET

Reported by: mondalaci Owned by: Damien Churchill
Priority: minor Milestone: Future
Component: Web UI Version: other (please specify)
Keywords: Cc:


I'd like to be able to open magnet links on my torrent server by using the following URL scheme:


And expect webui on the server to get opened and to pop up the download dialog featuring the torrent of the specified magnet link.

This feature would be tremendously useful because people could set up their browsers to open magnet links on their torrent servers via such an URL scheme.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Cameron Tacklind, 12 years ago

This is already possible. I don't know of any documentation but I've used this script in the past to add direct download links to all torrent files.

Examining the source will reveal what you're looking for.

Tho I guess that was for full .torrent files. Not sure if magnet-uris are supported.

comment:2 by mondalaci, 12 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply and this script is clearly relevant but it's a far cry from what I'm suggesting.

There's a huge difference between having to make an AJAX call targeting some undocumented webservice that can change any time VERSUS simply supplying a well-defined URL that pops up the relevant dialog which I can confirm or cancel.

Without having a defined interface this script can break any time when the webservice interface changes. Also, it's a browser specific solution.

comment:4 by mondalaci, 12 years ago

Thanks for pointing out to those docs! It's my pretty good but I still insist to my suggestion. :) It'd be so much easier to do this the HTTP GET way...

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