Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#2120 closed bug (Fixed)

WebUI cannot change port settings

Reported by: BugMeNot Owned by: Damien Churchill
Priority: major Milestone: 1.3.6
Component: Web UI Version: 1.3-stable
Keywords: Cc:


WebUI cannot change port settings (in 1.3.5), the settings either do not take effect or only one of the fields gets stored in the config and the other reverts to its default value of 9881 or something.

Looking at "cat ~/.config/deluge/core.conf", I see that the port values are not changed to what I selected unless I use the GTK GUI. Something is not right in the either the JSON RPC or the WebUI-daemon's talking to the daemon.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by BugMeNot, 13 years ago

I have the issue with the incoming listening port ranges but it probably affects outgoing port ranges too (I didn't try setting those as it's entirely pointless other than for QoS shaping purposes).

I.e. I enter 50000 to 50010 and apply, then re-start the daemon and it's either reset the core.conf values to their defaults, or stored one of the values I gave it, or kept what was in the config without storing what I gave it, etc. It all varies, but the only thing that's for sure: changing the setting does not work via WebUI.

comment:2 by BugMeNot, 13 years ago

Cause found by johnny; it's bug again. Setting it with the spinners works. I'm using Safari 5.1.7 on Mac OS X (the latest Safari).

comment:3 by BugMeNot, 13 years ago

That bug also mentions "Auto Manage" checkbox state not being properly shown. That's true.

If I right click a Torrent in the list, and go into the Options submenu, I do NOT see a tick for "Auto Manage", but if I select the torrent and go into its full "Options" TAB, I DO see a tick for "Auto Manage".

comment:4 by John Garland, 13 years ago

Component: otherwebui
Milestone: Future1.3.6
Owner: set to Damien Churchill
Status: newassigned
Version: other (please specify)git 1.3-stable

I suspect this occurred from moving to extjs 3.4.0 but haven't been able to confirm.

comment:5 by Calum, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed 1.3-stable: 0571799a07

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