Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#2198 new feature-request

one more option to move at ratio

Reported by: Psh Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Future
Component: Plugin Version: other (please specify)
Keywords: Cc:


Hi! I would like you to add to the configuration option "Move at ratio to". For what? Well, for example torrent download and upload on high-performance HDD, after downloading it, I moved to a public folder on the same high-performance drive and from there uploaded. After a certain ratio, we would like to move them to the archive on economical low-performance hard drive. Would it be possible to add one more option to move this?

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Chase, 12 years ago

Component: coreplugin

I'd say this is more appropriate as a plugin than a built in option.

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