Opened 12 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#2238 closed bug (Fixed)

[Scheduler] this.scheduleCells is undefined

Reported by: Calum Owned by:
Priority: trivial Milestone:
Component: Plugin Version: 1.3.5
Keywords: Cc:


In webui this plugin outputs the following error message:

TypeError: this.scheduleCells is undefined @

Although is does not seem to cause any issues would be helpful to stop this plugin generating console error messages.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Rich, 11 years ago

The issue seems to arise from the ScheduleSelector#setConfig method been called before the ui is rendered. Adding a small sanity check resolves the issue.

setConfig: function(config) {
    if (this.scheduleCells == undefined) return;

comment:2 by Calum, 10 years ago

Resolution: Fixed
Status: newclosed

Thanks for the pointer but the function did need to set values so the initial view reflected the config.

Fixed: [5d5edd2639]

comment:3 by Calum, 8 years ago

Milestone: 1.3.x

Milestone deleted

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