Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#2376 new bug

Deluge still announces to trackers even when torrent is paused.

Reported by: 133794m3r Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: needs verified
Component: Core Version: other (please specify)
Keywords: Cc:


As stated, the client _still_ announces to the trackers even though the torrent is in a paused state. I see no reason why this should be the case, as libtorrent-r doesn't do this with QBT, which you also use.

I've tried to find any sort of log on it and apparently there isn't one for the GUI, I don't know why but that's a huge bug/issue since it'd be saying "hey tracker I'm here DLing" even though you're not.

In addition to that, when _checking_ a torrent, it sets it to download(for no reason) before putting it back in paused state. QBT/Tranmission/_Every_Other_Client_ out there _doesn't_ do this. They switch between checking and paused state. So that yet again opens up/uses a connection.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by 133794m3r, 11 years ago

I've looked through the debug log, and apparently it's sending announces for _every_ torrent, seriously what's going on here? Why in the world would you _ever_ do that? How does that make _any_ sense?

comment:2 by Calum, 9 years ago

Milestone: 1.3.xneeds verified
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