Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#2400 closed bug (Fixed)

Torrent isn't auto managed yet stops when reaching ratio 1, refuses to resume (need force start behaviour)

Reported by: OmegaPhil Owned by: OmegaPhil
Priority: minor Milestone: 2.x
Component: Core Version: 1.3.6
Keywords: Cc:


I have an organised system of labels with Queue settings applied to stop seeding at ratio 1. Occasionally a torrent that belongs to a particular category/label comes along but needs permanent seeding - in the uTorrent days I would have Force Started the torrent, but deluge doesn't have this.

Please can I have an equivalent ability to force start a torrent - override the 'Stop seed at ratio' setting or similar - since label is controlling this, I have put this feature request against this plugin.


Change History (15)

comment:2 by OmegaPhil, 11 years ago

I have done this, but it makes no difference - I assumed the label functionality was overriding normal management.

comment:3 by Calum, 11 years ago

Did you check queue settings in the label options?

Version 0, edited 11 years ago by Calum (next)

comment:4 by OmegaPhil, 11 years ago

Auto Managed is off as standard with the queue settings I use.

I have had a review of how I configure Deluge in general - I think originally some years ago, I found setting Auto Managed to Off made no difference (torrents were still getting paused etc, even when I wanted them permaseeding) - back then I had 10 active torrents allowed, but obviously wanted unlimited permaseeding torrents as I saw fit.

So to work around this, I used labels to remove management (Auto Managed off) and enforce permaseeding.

Nowadays I'm on a VDSL2 connection, so I don't really need an active torrents limit... because of this, instead of hacking around with label settings, I am going to use 100 active torrents (essentially unlimited) and set Auto Managed to off for those that need to permaseed.

I'll see how it goes - historically this was probably an issue with Auto Managed in general.

comment:5 by OmegaPhil, 11 years ago

Resolution: Invalid
Status: newclosed

OK, I have done this for a week with no issues - so obviously whatever it was before that pushed me to doing this is no longer relevant now - resolving invalid.

comment:6 by OmegaPhil, 11 years ago

Component: PluginCore
Resolution: Invalid
Status: closedreopened
Summary: [label] Ability to override label options on a per-torrent basis - Force Start?Torrent isn't auto managed yet stops when reaching ratio 1, refuses to resume (need force start behaviour)
Type: feature-requestbug
Version: other (please specify)1.3.6

Right, the real problem I was running from is back - once a torrent that isn't automanaged reaches ratio 1 (which is my global seeding limit), its stopped, and refuses to resume. This is why I then moved to labels to enforce permaseeding.

comment:7 by OmegaPhil, 11 years ago

Finally understand why... torrents have a per-torrent 'Stop seed at ratio' option that isn't exposed by the right-click menu, but is available in the Options tab. As soon as I killed that off, I could resume the torrent. At this stage, I don't even know if Auto Managed matters.

In terms of the 'bug', perhaps this is a usability issue... not something I'm going to complain about anyway. Pays to study software.

Would it be worth me adding this option to the right-click menu?

comment:8 by Calum, 11 years ago

I guess for completeness it would be worth doing. I think a sub-menu with Disable|Enable... and the Enable is a popup for ratio value input.

While you are looking at that code you could see if you can fix #2401

comment:9 by OmegaPhil, 11 years ago

OK - depending on exactly what happens, this work might need to wait as I shift it to a dedicated slot.

comment:10 by OmegaPhil, 11 years ago

Owner: set to OmegaPhil
Status: reopenedassigned

comment:12 by OmegaPhil, 11 years ago

Feedback from Cas:

Lambdas to proper functions Remove errbacks - unnecessary (no need to do something specialised, error will be emitted from twisted regardless)

Last edited 11 years ago by OmegaPhil (previous) (diff)

comment:13 by Calum, 11 years ago

Milestone: Future1.4.0

comment:14 by Calum, 11 years ago

Resolution: Fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed in develop: [ea7ef950a3]

comment:15 by Calum, 8 years ago

Milestone: 2.0.x2.x

Milestone renamed

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