Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#2431 closed bug (Fixed)

deluged doesn't shutdown cleanly with hundreds of torrents

Reported by: rsully Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 2.x
Component: Unknown Version: 1.3.7
Keywords: shutdown, components, hang Cc:


This happened once a couple months ago, and again today.

Issuing a pkill deluged does not shutdown deluged. Instead I get a log message like so:

[INFO    ] 11:39:25 daemon:187 Waiting for components to shutdown..

This is after a few weeks of deluged running non-stop, with hundreds of files.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by rsully, 10 years ago

Happening again today (haven't killed/restarted since the issue was created).


user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pkill deluge-web
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pkill deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged

[... snip: a bunch of preps over 5 minutes]

user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pkill deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ killall deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged


[INFO    ] 20:59:33 daemon:187 Waiting for components to shutdown..

comment:2 by Calum, 10 years ago

Milestone: 1.3.7performance
Summary: deluged doesn't shutdowndeluged doesn't shutdown with torrents containing hundreds of files

When you say hundreds of files I assume you means torrents containing hundreds of files?

comment:3 by rsully, 10 years ago

Hundreds of torrents, where each torrent contains anywhere from 1 file to ~50 files.

Last edited 10 years ago by rsully (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by Calum, 10 years ago

Milestone: performance1.4.0
Resolution: Fixed
Status: newclosed
Summary: deluged doesn't shutdown with torrents containing hundreds of filesdeluged doesn't shutdown cleanly with hundreds of torrents

This should be solved in develop code so closing.

comment:5 by rsully, 10 years ago

Maybe related, I just experienced this on 1.3.6:

user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pkill deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ Unhandled error in Deferred:
Unhandled Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/core/", line 188, in _shutdown
    d = component.shutdown()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/", line 392, in shutdown
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/", line 202, in _component_shutdown
    d = self._component_stop()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/", line 155, in _component_stop
    d = maybeDeferred(self.stop)
--- <exception caught here> ---
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/", line 134, in maybeDeferred
    result = f(*args, **kw)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/core/", line 77, in stop
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/", line 89, in cancel
    raise error.AlreadyCalled
twisted.internet.error.AlreadyCalled: Tried to cancel an already-called event.

comment:6 by rsully, 10 years ago


I am still experiencing this on 1.3.7. I am going to upgrade to 1.3.8. Is there any way to port the change from develop to 1.3.9 when that is released? Or should the change have been included in 1.3.7 and this needs to be reopened?

Over the course of ~5 minutes:

user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pkill deluge-web
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pkill deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ ls -la
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user  76463 Oct  4 16:45 deluged.log
-rw-rw-r--  1 user user    186 Sep 20 14:17 deluge-web.log
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ tail deluged.log 
[INFO    ] 16:45:44 daemon:187 Waiting for components to shutdown..
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ tail deluged.log 
[INFO    ] 16:45:44 daemon:187 Waiting for components to shutdown..
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pkill deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ tail deluged.log 
[INFO    ] 16:45:44 daemon:187 Waiting for components to shutdown..
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ tail deluged.log 
[INFO    ] 16:45:44 daemon:187 Waiting for components to shutdown..
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pkill deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ tail deluged.log 
[INFO    ] 16:45:44 daemon:187 Waiting for components to shutdown..
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pkill deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ pgrep deluged
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ tail deluged.log 
[INFO    ] 16:45:44 daemon:187 Waiting for components to shutdown..
user@ubuntu-deluge:~$ sudo reboot
Broadcast message from user@ubuntu-deluge
	(/dev/pts/2) at 16:48 ...

The system is going down for reboot NOW!
Connection to 192.168.x.x closed by remote host.
Connection to 192.168.x.x closed.

comment:7 by Calum, 10 years ago

1.3-stable is an end-of-line branch with only minor fixes to problems that crop up, develop branch code is ongoing with major changes and will eventually be the next major release, i.e. 1.4

comment:8 by Calum, 7 years ago

Milestone: 2.0.x2.x

Milestone renamed

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