Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#2468 closed bug (Invalid)

[AutoAdd] Idle CPU usage

Reported by: Doadin Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 2.x
Component: Plugin Version: develop
Keywords: Cc:


After while of just being idle deluged.exe uses just a constant ~30-45% cpu usage.(Win7 SP1 64-Bit)

Change History (17)

comment:1 by Doadin, 11 years ago

hmmm it seem even using standalone and not thin client its actually kinda worse. cpu use is at 5-7% consatntly even from fresh start. Not sure yet if it goes higher than that later.

comment:2 by Calum, 11 years ago

Resolution: Duplicate
Status: newclosed

This is covered by existing tickets.

comment:3 by Doadin, 11 years ago

Component: CorePlugin
Resolution: Duplicate
Status: closedreopened
Summary: Deluge Idle CPU usage[AutoAdd] Idle CPU usage
Last edited 11 years ago by Doadin (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by Calum, 11 years ago

As I said there is a bug in Windows when running classic mode that uses up to 30% cpu at times: #2330

comment:5 by Doadin, 11 years ago

Its not classic mode.

However on the topic is #2330 even relavant now the mentioned "Related twisted bug tickets" have long since been fixed is there more to #2330 then just those? Im not sure that #2330 still needs to be open the "classic mode" seems to run fine using 0 to 2 % where as before i was seeing ~10% right on startup and the 0 to 2 % is not consistant like the 10% was.

Had to take a step back i was a little confused since classic mode is now standalone thought maybe i got them confused but yea even in the original description i said deluged which means think client not classic.

There are other tickets though im sure probably even for thin client mode there are sooo many tickets.

Last edited 11 years ago by Doadin (previous) (diff)

comment:6 by Calum, 11 years ago

Ok yes I renamed classic to standalone in develop branch. You originally mentioned deluged but it wasn't clear with your followup.

Those 'fixed' twisted bug tickets are the reason there is a problem on Windows in standalone/classic.

At the moment this ticket is too vague, please narrow the issue down if it is actually the AutoAdd plugin and add details like how many torrents... You can use the --profile option with deluged that might be useful in showing what it using the CPU: Development/Profiling

comment:7 by Doadin, 11 years ago

Sorry for the confusion and its with ~70-80 torrents in the list at least thats what i have currently it could happen with other amounts too i suppose. With only a max of at most 4 in the watch folder at a time which is probably more then is really the case since they are added very quickly. With Win764-bit SP1 and libtorrent 1.0.0 py2.7 . And ok the fix is the issue (thats not cool lol). Ans yea ill try and profile see if maybe i can get more info.

Edit: I still not sure if #2330 is still needed like i said with those other 2 performance patches even classic/standalone mode seems to be low on cpu usage now. Maybe after testing this ill run classic/standalone for an extended time and see if it pops up but just after time.

Last edited 11 years ago by Doadin (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by Doadin, 11 years ago

It appears --profile maybe broken... the exe opens then closes with no message and nothing in deluged.log .No deluge.profile is made either.

Last edited 11 years ago by Doadin (previous) (diff)

comment:9 by Calum, 11 years ago

Are you running: deluged.exe --profile

You can try deluged-debug from a cmd window to see if any error messages.

comment:10 by Doadin, 11 years ago

Interesting apparently deluged(.exe) --profile doesnt work but deluged-debug --profile did.

comment:11 by Doadin, 11 years ago

Ok so im more convinced that it is AutoAdd because they both have almost exactly the same setting except for proxy, and they both ran same amount of time and the autoadd PC was using high cpu. Apparently though along with the above even when started with deluged-debug --profile the profile file isnt created. Unless its stored in a different location then the deluged.log?

comment:12 by Doadin, 11 years ago

Resolution: Invalid
Status: reopenedclosed

I still cant get profile to work i think i maybe wrong though even with autoadd disabled it still happened. There seems to be alot of read/write to the torrent.state files though so i think it may have something to do with that but im just gonna close this for not till i can norrow it down more. Kinda hard to do though without profiling. Sorry for this.

comment:13 by Calum, 11 years ago

The profile output should be stored in the config directory.

comment:14 by Doadin, 11 years ago

If by config directory you mean the same folder where all the .conf(core.conf,gtkui.conf,etc etc) Then yes thats where i lookied and i also id a search of my Hard Drive...didnt find anything. It suns and says it started the profiler but the files not there.

comment:15 by Calum, 11 years ago

Do you see "Profile stats saved" in cmd window? You might need to open a cmd windows and run the deluged-debug from there.

Last edited 11 years ago by Calum (previous) (diff)

comment:16 by Doadin, 11 years ago

Thats how i ran it and it showed the running with profiler message but nothing about stats saved.

nvm i think i figured it out. Ill post it later.

Last edited 11 years ago by Doadin (previous) (diff)

comment:17 by Calum, 8 years ago

Milestone: 2.0.x2.x

Milestone renamed

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