Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#2741 closed bug (WontFix)

[deluged] Idle CPU usage in daemon

Reported by: Doadin Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: performance
Component: Core Version: other (please specify)
Keywords: Cc:


After several hours of deluged running it uses a constant ~12-24% cpu. Under windows 8.1. This PC was recently "refreshed". Which is a win8/8.1 option that sets everything back to default and removes all user apps/data. Only a small amount of programs where added back. So its pretty close to a fresh win8.1 install

I have tested: 1.3.11, py 2.7, as is with LT 1.3.11, py 2.7, w/my own LT 1.0.3 1.4.0 built from source myself, py 2.7, w/my own LT 1.0.3 1.4.0 built from source myself, py 2.7, w/prebuilt LT 1.0.3(sourceforge)

All tests done with running the uninstaller and deleting deluge appdata between each test with 0 torrents added.

One profile of when this was occuring i believe with the 1.4.0 with my LT 1.0.3:!bxoECRpZ!mvoMz4coNFQav_fj-tWyLDlZglB4YucAuwv2jjVNG1c

Change History (7)

comment:1 by Doadin, 10 years ago

Few more to add to the list of tested builds.

I have tested: 1.3.11, as is with LT 1.3.11, py 2.7, as is with LT 1.3.11, py 2.7, w/my own LT 1.0.3 1.4.0 built from source myself, py 2.7.9, w/my own LT 1.0.3 1.4.0 built from source myself, py 2.7.9, w/prebuilt LT 1.0.3(sourceforge) 1.4.0 built from source myself, py 2.7.9, w/my own LT 1.0.3(sourceforge)(several builds anywhere from 105xx-108xx)

comment:2 by Bro, 10 years ago

Does this issue differ from #2330?

comment:3 by Doadin, 10 years ago

yes this issue is with the daemon not classic mode. I will note that this issue appear to not happen on a fresh install. So it could be a program conflict but even if it is i think this should be resoulved in deluge. Should be no reason for it to go rambo in cpu usage.

comment:4 by Doadin, 10 years ago

Summary: [deluged] Idle CPU usage[deluged] Idle CPU usage in daemon

comment:5 by Doadin, 10 years ago

Also id like to note that it does appear to be a issue in deluge and not libtorrent. As the deluged.exe thread appears to be using high cpu and not the libtorrent.pyd thread. The difference was watched through sysinternals process explorer(procexp).

comment:6 by Doadin, 10 years ago

Oh also while the profile was made with 1.4.0 + lt 1.0.3 it should still be usfull since it happens with all versions and doesnt seem to be libtorrent related. However if you want another profile i can run it again.

Also no output was seen by "deluged-debug -L debug" except it saving and backing up the torrent state file..which also kind of a side note does it need to do that with 0 torrents? lol I guess nobody is gonna leave their torrent client with 0 but still seems a little silly to save it every 10 sec with what im guessing is no data.

Last edited 10 years ago by Doadin (previous) (diff)

comment:7 by Doadin, 10 years ago

Resolution: WontFix
Status: newclosed

I believe i found the culprit. It is a compatibility issue with deluge and Networkx "a simple and free, yet powerful tool that helps you objectively evaluate your bandwidth consumption situation".Installing this program under win7/8.1 maybe others with the programs TDI LAN Traffic Filtering Driver, the cpu issue occurs. Not sure if a devs around that could debug this issue or if maybe the programs other option to use WFP LAN Traffic Filtering Driver would work but that was it.

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