Opened 9 years ago

#2792 new bug

Execute fails to load/find file

Reported by: MarcosRamirez Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: needs verified
Component: Unknown Version: 1.3.12
Keywords: Cc:


Problem: A existant and working script is not found in download complete trigger

System info:

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
Release:        14.04
Codename:       trusty

Language: Spanish

In Screenshoot you can see the file path. And, the script exists:

$ ls -lh /home/marcos/Scripts/ 
-rwxr-xr-x 1 marcos marcos 94 abr  5 12:49 /home/marcos/Scripts/

And, is working:

$ /home/marcos/Scripts/ param1 param2 param3
Script: [DEBUG] Torrent id: param1 - Torrent Name: param2 - TorrentPath: param3

But, The log says:

==> /home/marcos/.config/deluge/deluged.log <==
[ERROR   ] 23:54:39 core:148 [execute] Execute script not found or not executable
[ERROR   ] 23:55:18 core:148 [execute] Execute script not found or not executable
[ERROR   ] 23:55:23 core:148 [execute] Execute script not found or not executable
[ERROR   ] 23:56:13 core:148 [execute] Execute script not found or not executable
[ERROR   ] 23:56:28 core:148 [execute] Execute script not found or not executable
[ERROR   ] 23:56:54 core:148 [execute] Execute script not found or not executable
[ERROR   ] 23:57:13 core:148 [execute] Execute script not found or not executable
[ERROR   ] 23:57:48 core:148 [execute] Execute script not found or not executable
[ERROR   ] 23:58:53 core:148 [execute] Execute script not found or not executable
[ERROR   ] 23:59:14 core:148 [execute] Execute script not found or not executable
[ERROR   ] 23:59:33 core:148 [execute] Execute script not found or not executable
[ERROR   ] 23:59:58 core:148 [execute] Execute script not found or not executable
[ERROR   ] 00:00:28 core:148 [execute] Execute script not found or not executable
[ERROR   ] 00:00:48 core:148 [execute] Execute script not found or not executable

Extra info, deluge-gtk is running with SAME user than script.

If need more info, please, request it.

Attachments (1)

deluege exec fail.png (52.2 KB ) - added by MarcosRamirez 9 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (1)

by MarcosRamirez, 9 years ago

Attachment: deluege exec fail.png added
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