Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#2854 closed feature-request (WontFix)

Don't re-create the whole config files while updating content

Reported by: Soullivaneuh Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: needs verified
Component: Core Version: 1.3.12
Keywords: Cc:



My feature request is quite simple. When a config file like hostlist.conf.1.2 is modified via the interface, the file is completly re-created.

I'm trying to sync my configuration onto a private configs repository for each of my desktops.

So I did a symbolic link of hostlist.conf.1.2 onto the repository to be able to register each modification.

But this symbolic link is always removed because of this logic.


Change History (4)

comment:1 by Calum, 9 years ago

Resolution: WontFix
Status: newclosed

I'm sure there is another way to achieve that sync but I'm afraid the way the config files are saved will not be changed.

comment:2 by Soullivaneuh, 9 years ago

Can you please elaborate why this could not be changed?

I'm sure there is another way to achieve that sync

Well, I don't really see how... any idea?


comment:3 by Calum, 9 years ago

It's a major change that is not going to be contemplated.

I can't help you there but if you are using soft symlinks then it should not be an issue.

comment:4 by Soullivaneuh, 9 years ago

It's a major change that is not going to be contemplated.

I don't really see where is the major change. Which part could be complicated?

I can't help you there but if you are using soft symlinks then it should not be an issue.

Thanks for pointing this out because this is a soft symlink.

The link is created with the ln -s command. But if you do some modification on the connection manager through the UI, the link is completely removed and replaced by a new plain file.

Could we maybe investigate on this issue?


Last edited 9 years ago by Soullivaneuh (previous) (diff)
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