Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#2866 closed bug (Fixed)

Non-functional "Resume All" taskbar menu item after v1.3.13 update

Reported by: authorized_user Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: 2.0.0
Component: GTK UI Version: 1.3-stable
Keywords: Cc:


Hello and thank you for all the hard work and effort invested into creating and maintaining Deluge, it's appreciated.

After updating Deluge from v1.3.12 to v1.3.13, the "Resume All" taskbar icon menu item is non-functional; this menu item is very useful, especially when the "Add all torrents in paused state" option is active. Curiously, "Resume All" does work on torrents after they've been directly started -- but -- any torrent not directly started will not be included in the "Resume All" selection.

The "Pause All" taskbar icon menu option seems to work, but that may only be because I choose to "add all torrents in a paused state", so naturally, I would only pause a torrent again after it had already been directly started. So "Pause All" may seem to work only after it falls within the workaround described above to get the "Resume All" function to work.

Please advise, thank you.

$ grep deluge /var/log/dnf.log
Jul 28 21:48:42 DEBUG ---> Package deluge.noarch 1.3.12-3.fc23 will be upgraded
Jul 28 21:48:42 DEBUG ---> Package deluge.noarch 1.3.13-1.fc23 will be an upgrade

Attachments (1)

Status_Resume_All.png (10.8 KB ) - added by Calum 8 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (9)

by Calum, 8 years ago

Attachment: Status_Resume_All.png added

comment:1 by Calum, 8 years ago

Resolution: WontFix
Status: newclosed

The Pause All and Resume All in the toolbar is actually means pausing and resuming the session not changing the status of the torrents, this was updated as part of the fix in [73152558317].

If you need to actually resume all torrents then you can do so from the status sidebar:

comment:2 by authorized_user, 8 years ago

Well now I feel silly; especially, since I turn off the status sidebar -- it takes up too much screen space with relatively little practical use for my likings. Back to CTRL-A --> Pause|Play for me.

Would it be possible to change the wording for these two taskbar items to clearly separate the new purpose? For example, 'Pause Session' and 'Resume Session'. Also, can the documentation be updated to explain the difference in this separation of functionality? I have no real understanding of the difference between "pause all" effecting session versus torrents. Honestly, I'd been using this particular taskbar function to pause or resume actual torrents since ~2009...had the 1.3.13 changelog explained the separation in functionality, I would've known to change my workflow rather than mistakenly report as a bug. <sad face>

Thanks for the quick response, it's appreciated.

comment:3 by authorized_user, 8 years ago

Ooops! Select all (CTRL-A) --> Play doesn't work anymore either. Is this also part of the "fix" you mention? If so or if not, the joke is definitely on me...

I'm all for jettisoning unused or useless functions, but CTRL-A followed by a command seems to run against years and years and years of expected and established usability. What am I missing?

Please advise, thank you.

comment:4 by authorized_user, 8 years ago

After CTRL-A --> Pause|Resume failed, I activated the status sidebar per your recommendation and attempted to use the "pause/resume all" function. Unfortunately, it doesn't work there, either. Oh well, I learned long ago that one can't fight progress...

$ dnf --allowerasing install deluge-1.3.12-1.fc23
$ grep deluge /var/log/dnf.log
Jul 30 18:37:09 DEBUG ---> Package deluge.noarch 1.3.13-1.fc23 will be downgraded
Jul 30 18:37:09 DEBUG ---> Package deluge.noarch 1.3.12-1.fc23 will be a downgrade

There I go! Functionality restored! Thanks for your assistance, I'd have struggled longer without appropriate direction. Hopefully, this example will help others too.

comment:5 by Calum, 8 years ago

Milestone: needs verified2.0
Resolution: WontFix
Status: closedreopened

There was a good reason for the change and that was so the original status of the torrents was stored when resuming, which is detailed in #1330. The confusion for the systray menu was an unintentional side effect.

Regarding Ctrl-A there were no other changes and it works perfectly fine here.

However I'll reopen this to remind me to look at the api again and update the tray menu text.

comment:6 by authorized_user, 8 years ago

Thanks for the explanation. I agree, "unintentional side-effect" seems apt. However, I read through #1330 and don't understand how a scheduler restart/priority issue ends up usurping established and working taskbar menu functionality in a fix nearly 6 years after #1330 was reported. As such, I disagree that there was a "good reason for the change" and believe it's a perfect example of an anti-pattern. When a "solution" has unintended consequences, it needs a re-think and quite possibly re-implementation.

I have faith that appropriate separation of function versus modals will be settled in due time for the benefit of all users. Until then, I have no reservations using an older version when it better suits purpose: Activating and deactivating torrents wholesale should be quick and painless, not an exercise in various levels of frustration and futility.

For me, v1.3.12 works, and if a scheduling issue reported in 2010 but not "fixed" until 2015 matters more than the established and working functionality that preceded it, then so be it. As mentioned, I learned long ago that one can't fight progress.

$ dnf -y --exclude=deluge* distro-sync

With that said, it's a praise-worthy testament to its quality and usefulness that I've only encountered and reported two bugs (this and #945) in the ~8 years I've used Deluge. Even when/if my particular workflow is not important, I understand and respect the development effort. Keep up the good work.

Last edited 8 years ago by authorized_user (previous) (diff)

comment:7 by Calum, 8 years ago

Resolution: Fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

comment:8 by Calum, 6 years ago


Milestone renamed

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