Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#2904 closed bug (Duplicate)

Memory leaks

Reported by: Radoslav Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: needs verified
Component: Unknown Version: 1.3.13
Keywords: Cc:


Yet another case, as I see in the tracker. I'm using Win 10 x64 bit with Deluge 1.3.12 and later - 1.3.13.

I noticed this as after 1-2 days my system commmit reaches 16Gb and everything becomes very sluggish and I even cannot start the Task manager (annoying Windows... but that's another story). I have started to monitor the system and turning on/off various applications. Then I found out that when I start Deluge it starts to exhaust memory 300-400Mb per 30 minutes.

In Deluge I have only one torrent of 200Gb, composed of few hundred 100-200Mb files. My upload is like 300-400Kb/s. When I pause the seed, the leak stops.

Btw, it could be something system related as I do not see the deluge process claiming the memory.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by Calum, 8 years ago

Resolution: Duplicate
Status: newclosed

If you saw the other ticket, why did you open another one...

Closing as duplicate

comment:2 by Calum, 8 years ago

Just to add if the deluge process is not using it then you need to find out what is. Please use the forum for discussion as the ticket system is for known reproducible deluge issues to be reported, the information here is too vague.

comment:3 by Radoslav, 8 years ago

Yay, I like the atitude :) That issue is 5 years old, related to Linux mostly. I have searched already, but if you think that it is the same...

Regretfully I have no idea how I can run Deluge without UI on Windows, which they say is the issue. Another difference is that I do not play with the UI to arrive at the memory leak - it's just to resume the torrent. And yeah - it's always reproducable here.

Now I understand that I should not expect support, but let the ticket stay so that history is preserved. Maybe one day it will be useful...

I really like Deluge's minimalism so I'll stick around could be possible to debug, maybe even I can go annoy the Windows support team :)

comment:4 by Bro, 8 years ago

By turning off classic mode you will run the backend (daemon) and frontend (GTKUI) separately. But if the process is not claiming the memory it's hard to know whether it's the daemon or UI leaking.

comment:5 by Radoslav, 8 years ago

I have run some tests:

  • When I run only the deluged.exe (i.e. the daemon/backend in non classic mode) for 24 hours I see no significant change in the system commit
  • When I connect to the daemon (i.e. the frontend/GUI deluge.exe) after 12 hours I got like 3-4 GB of system commit increase.

In both case I do not have any torrents (I stopped using Deluge after I found the leak). So in my opinion it is this frontend part of Deluge causing the leaks... Let me know if I cano do something else.

comment:6 by Calum, 8 years ago

That is exactly what is explained in ticket #1454 so there is nothing more to add.

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