Opened 8 years ago

#2958 new feature-request

Ignore torrents until active

Reported by: seedbro Owned by:
Priority: trivial Milestone: Future
Component: Core Version: other (please specify)
Keywords: Cc:


My wish would be for deluge to internally keep a separate list of not-active torrents. Something like a Stopped state of progress where a torrent is technically "removed" but still displayed in the UI.

Currently, using the client I experience frequent crashes beyond 1000 torrents while the daemon crashes frequently beyond 1200. (2 to 10 times per day) Restarting the client or the daemon takes a very long time for the same reason.

I bet there is some bug here that can/will be fixed eventually but I think 1000 active torrents is much more than anyone could need. For torrents that are not active I think 100 000 is not an unreasonable goal.

I know I can just empty the client and seed things by finding the appropriate drive and torrent then adding it to deluge. I'm honestly to lazy for that. Others I know immediately delete everything after downloading. It works for them but it doesn't seem a valid approach to file distribution. The route of running 20+ instances with 500 torrents each doesn't seem all that fun either.

I'm quite happy with the client besides from this. Thanks for making it & keep up the good work!

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