Opened 8 years ago

#3032 new bug

Ctrl+a should not select root directory in file tab

Reported by: Udasomu Shakerabu Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: needs verified
Component: GTK UI Version: 1.3.14
Keywords: Cc:


If using Ctrl+a in the file tab, it selects both the files and the root directory.

If I keep Ctrl pressed, and click a file to exclude it from the selection, then right-click on the selection and select a priority, then this priority will be applied to every files, including the unselected one, because the root directory is selected, and the selected priority will apply to it and all its descendants.

Currently, I have to use Ctrl+a, then while keeping Ctrl pressed, unselect both the files I don't want to select, and the root directory, so the priority isn't applied to the files I unselected.

I'm pretty sure this wasn't a problem before, although I don't remember when it started. Maybe it did visually select the root directory, but didn't apply the priority to it if other files were selected?

Either the root directory must not be selected by Ctrl+a, or the selected priority must not be applied to the root directory, if the selection includes another file (or a subdirectory).

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