Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#3102 new bug

Deluge deletes trackers

Reported by: bittaurus Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: needs verified
Component: Unknown Version: 1.3.15
Keywords: Cc:


deluged: 1.3.15 libtorrent:

Connecting to 1.3.15 deluged on linux with 1.3.15 client over net from windows.

When I have a torrent queued to check hashes, and I click "Force Re-check" then "Pause" then "Force Re-check" again, it starts checking immediately as expected, but it loses the tracker data and I have to re-add the tracker.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by bittaurus, 7 years ago

arvidn over at the libtorrent side has been looking into it at as well

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