Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#3107 closed bug (WorksForMe)

Some torrents can't be renamed

Reported by: Hayden Schiff Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: needs verified
Component: Unknown Version: 1.3.12
Keywords: Cc:


There's a few torrents in my server (just 2 out of hundreds) that refuse to be renamed. When I type in a new name and hit enter, it simply never updates, and remains with the old name.

Here are magnet links for the torrents I'm having issue with:



I'm running deluged 1.3.12 with libtorrent on Fedora 22, and connecting with the GTK client version 1.3.14 on Mac OS X 10.10.5.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Bro, 7 years ago

Can't reproduce on Ubuntu with deluge 1.3.14 and libtorrent

comment:2 by Hayden Schiff, 7 years ago

Hmm, alright, I guess I'll enable debug logging and try it again later tonight; see if I learn anything useful from that.

comment:3 by Hayden Schiff, 7 years ago

I can no longer reproduce this either now that I've reinstalled my OS. Must have been something wrong with my old system, so I guess I'll close this ticket.

comment:4 by Hayden Schiff, 7 years ago

Resolution: WorksForMe
Status: newclosed
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