Opened 7 years ago

#3110 new bug

Tabs in OS X breaks Deluge layout

Reported by: wabisabi Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: needs verified
Component: GTK UI Version: 1.3.15
Keywords: UI, layout, tabs Cc:


Tabs are turned on system-wide for OS X in the Dock pane of System Preferences.

Prefer tabs when opening documents = Always

This activates tabbed windows for many OS X apps. Unfortunately it breaks the Deluge layout. For instance, the usual modal that opens for a new torrent now becomes a full tab. That would be fine, but the click area is offset 20px or so upwards. The click areas no longer matches the displayed layout.

Below is this tabbed page. You can see the bottom portion is cutt off. That's not a screenshot error, that's how it loads. If you want to click the buttons down there, you have to click about 20px above them, where they SHOULD load if they weren't being cut off.

If you resize the window, the layout adjusts itself properly. However, you have to do this after any action that opens or closes a tab, as it breaks every time.

OS X 10.12.6 Deluge 1.3.15 (don't know what libtorrent is, and couldn't get the terminal command for version to work)

I've tried reinstalling Deluge. This UI behavior is consistent on two separate OS X systems I use (they aren't backups of each other, totally different systems).

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