Opened 7 years ago

#3139 new bug

Selecting update tracker does nothing

Reported by: Rudolph Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: needs verified
Component: GTK UI Version: 1.3.15
Keywords: Cc:


Setup: Running Windows 7 SP1 64-bit, local daemon and connecting through Deluge client. Right click a torrent and select update tracker.

Expected result: Forced tracker announce(perhaps with a hard-coded minimum delay of say 3-5 minutes to prevent abuse/hammering)

Actual result: Seemingly nothing happens, no update on peers and Next Announce does not change.

Why(Expected result): Some trackers are slow at propagating peers(perhaps caused by clients having low num_want), or as assurance when restarting daemon because of memory leaks(whether or not it does a successful announce seems dodgy at that point).

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