Opened 7 years ago

#3144 new bug

Recheck does not consider completion move directory

Reported by: awiebe Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: needs verified
Component: Core Version: 1.3.15
Keywords: Cc:


I jumped forward a number of versions of deluge and found that the newer deluge couldn't read my state information, so I decided it would be easier just to read all the torrent files in .config/deluge/state back in and let it grind away.

Unfortunately it seems that Deluge doesn't care about files which have been completion moved in this case, and will just try downloading again, instead of considering

1)Files in the default completion move directory 2)Files in the torrent specific completion move directory.

This means I have to manually go in and change the data path of each torrent, which is tedious, especially since deluge doesn't seem to apply context click actions to all selected items in the torrent list.

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