Opened 7 years ago

#3174 new feature-request

[Plugin Autoadd] Option to autoadd in subfolders with the torrents for seed

Reported by: latot Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Plugin Version: 1.3.15
Keywords: Cc:


Hi all, this issue is about the concept of autoadd, actually it works very well when we want add new torrents for download and have multiple torrent folders for it.

Now i think can be great can set in autoadd some config data, ideally per torrent/magnet file, here is several reasons, in my case for example, i have torrents to seed, so i already have it downloaded in the respective folders, but some torrents have equal names in files or folders, so when i add the torrents i need start creating for each one a folder, and set it for that torrent, and repeat this for any torrent with this problem.

Other thing is organization, some torrents have a superfolder where all the files are there, so if we have multiples torrents works relative fine, but other torrents put all the data in the main directory, causing a mess.

So in part the idea is an easy way to add existing torrents for seed without troubles and in a fast way.

Like an example, i would like create a new watch folders with this propertie:

Here we add the "Download folder" to the plugin.

Download Folder:

Sub Folder 1:

some.torrent (or magnet)

data folder

config file (maybe add new tracker for example?)

Sub Folder 2:


So travel the folder and search the torrent file in any subfolder and set the download location to the data folder, and if we need some extra config apply the config file.

Maybe just adding a custom config file per subfolder this can works, the data folder can be set from there.

Something to be careful here, the idea is a fast way to seed torrents, but actually Autoadd remove the torrent file when is added, this config is be default, we can set the other option, but in any case i think can be better keep the torrent, part of the idea is a structure to in a fast way add torrents to seed, if i change the computer or i format the computer without the torrent files with the right config this will now works.

Here can be several way to solve this, this is only an example (personally i like this way, is fast and organized).


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