Opened 7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#3190 closed patch (Invalid)

No bugs or crashes!

Reported by: temporary Owned by: a user
Priority: blocker Milestone: performance
Component: Console UI Version: 1.3.15
Keywords: 1.3.15, hd, streamers Cc:


so I want to start with the current device performance :laptop the hard drive is 5400rpm last I know the cache for the harddrive is 8mb's I mostly use the wifi connection that's always different and I have previously used the original BitTorrent client prior to the ad placement advertisement for the app and the paid for services I have seriously had more problems from the device management with the BitTorrent client and the concurrent updates that were applied to the torrent client as well I will include the settings what you do with them is up to you and how you update the client is the same I personally have no reason to use the auto updater in the future or use any update services from the website also I do not currently really know if I have any installers on the PC's backed up and don't really care if I have to install new versions of the app in the future

Attachments (1) (48.1 KB ) - added by temporary 7 years ago.
the current settings, not sure where the important debug information is

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Change History (2)

by temporary, 7 years ago

Attachment: added

the current settings, not sure where the important debug information is

comment:1 by int3l, 6 years ago

Resolution: Invalid
Status: newclosed
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