Opened 6 years ago

#3234 new bug

Peers tab column width not saving

Reported by: InSimpleTermsJordan Owned by:
Priority: trivial Milestone: needs verified
Component: GTK UI Version: 1.3.15
Keywords: Cc:


I like to resize the columns to fit as much text as possible (particularly the Client column), but I keep having to do it over and over every time I start the client, as they will reset to its old width each time. Every time, I resize the Client column to the width I need, then I resize the Progress column (which I keep furthest to the right) to less than the total window width so that the horizontal scroll bar does not appear. It's gotten very repetitive and annoying. Is a way to change the default column widths in the meantime?

Attachments (1)

peers_tab.state (295 bytes ) - added by InSimpleTermsJordan 6 years ago.

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Change History (1)

by InSimpleTermsJordan, 6 years ago

Attachment: peers_tab.state added


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