Opened 6 years ago

#3263 new feature-request

Create multiple SINGLE FILE torrents

Reported by: tomer Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: needs verified
Component: Unknown Version: 2.0.0
Keywords: Cc:


Dear support team,

First, thank you so much for providing us such a simple yet complete torrent client, it is perfect!

Second, I want to offer an idea: I use to make a lot of torrents myself and I find it really exhausting to create for each file a single torrent file one-by-one. (I know about the option of making a single torrent for a folder, but I have a purpose for making them singles). Can you add an option to create a bunch of torrent files for chosen files one for each file but in more efficient way? For example, selecting a folder with the wanted files and to make each file in the folder a torrent file?

Many regards, tomer

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