Opened 5 years ago

#3274 new bug Error: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request

Reported by: Br3XkP0inT Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: needs verified
Component: Unknown Version: 1.3.15
Keywords: Cc:


Hi , i'm french , sorry if I'm going to mispel english .

It's not a common bug , I didn't found information about it .

I can't seed ... I've try many thing to to debug ... I set to -1 all limitation parameter . auto managed = 0 I have try to activate all network wifi option ( like ipv6 , lldp , samba ) ( because normally i desactivate all exept Qos ans IPV4 ) I set incoming port to 6881 only then configure my ISP router to stick with it . The Test Active Port said me it's ok . I try to activate/esactivate all NetworkExtras/Encryption parameter .

All this things was useless , but i suppose it's seem to be a non common bug coming from sofware ( not from internet config ) . Maybe a bug between wifi card and software ????

tracker status after announce sent : Error: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request

I have a lite version of Win10 ( Arium ) , maybe a usefull service was desactivated ?

I also use qbitorrent(for leech on public tracker) , I havent configure my ISP router for it and it work on seeding ...

Thanks for youre help .

Attachments (1)

delugebug.png (85.1 KB ) - added by Br3XkP0inT 5 years ago.
exhaustive list of desactivated local service

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (1)

by Br3XkP0inT, 5 years ago

Attachment: delugebug.png added

exhaustive list of desactivated local service

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