Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

#33 closed feature-request (Fixed)

Display total time seeded for a torrent

Reported by: Owned by: markybob
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: 0.5.x Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Thank you for the other feature request fixed with the option to remove a torrent after a certain number of hours, but it would be more useful to know the time a torrent was seeded and be able to make a decision, forsee when to come back and close the client, add new torrents etc., especially since a torrent might be seeded on and off over more than one day.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Gilou, 17 years ago

I would add to that that it might be cool to have (in a module, maybe? ;)) the info about the time it took to download the file, and some quick stats about how fast it went and so on.

comment:2 by, 17 years ago

I second that. It would be cool and nice if done, but my request is a lot more useful and should be done first. :) On private trackers if nobody is downloading from you, you need to know how much time you seeded so you know when you can stop even without making the ratio. I don't find the solution also introduced at another request I made to be the best- a general rule for all torrents to remove them after a period of time. Much better if it tells you how much time the torrent was seeded so you can stop it yourself.

comment:3 by Gilou, 17 years ago

yeah well, the seeded amount is available in the details tab, my point was only about having the info as a column, not about really adding a feature there..

But knowing for how long it's been seeded (or, and since last activity) would be great ;)

comment:4 by andar, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

It's in 0.6.

comment:5 by nick13ro, 17 years ago

That's good. Tks, but I can't use it on private trackers until it's released. Any estimation how far into the future that is at this point ?

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