Opened 5 years ago

#3301 new bug

"deluge-console rm" argument confusion

Reported by: pyrodex Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: needs verified
Component: Unknown Version: 2.0.3
Keywords: Cc:


When using deluge-console in 2.0.3 with the argument rm to remove a torrent from command line you have to provide a "-c" to "confirm" the removal. The problem is the -c is being confused by the global "-c" option to specify a configuration location.

When using "delgue-console rm -c <TORRENT ID>" as suggested by the help from "deluge-console help rm" it is confusing "-c" as configuration location. Doing it this way also creates a directory of the torrent ID provided in the current working directory.

You can work around by using "--confirm" instead of "-c" but either remove "-c" from rm help, change the argument short letter, or correct the behavior.

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