Opened 5 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#3310 closed bug (Fixed)

"Session status key not valid" log spam

Reported by: Etienne Dechamps Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 2.0.4
Component: Plugin Version: 2.0.3
Keywords: Cc:


After upgrading my Debian deluge package from 1.3.15-2 to 2.0.3-1, I am faced with the following message being dumped every second or so in the Deluge daemon output:

13:55:31 [WARNING ][deluge.core.core              :655 ] Session status key not valid: num_connections
13:55:32 [WARNING ][deluge.core.core              :655 ] Session status key not valid: dht_cache_nodes
13:55:32 [WARNING ][deluge.core.core              :655 ] Session status key not valid: num_connections
13:55:33 [WARNING ][deluge.core.core              :655 ] Session status key not valid: dht_cache_nodes
13:55:33 [WARNING ][deluge.core.core              :655 ] Session status key not valid: num_connections

My guess is that Deluge 2.0 is confused by old torrents from Deluge 1.3. Any ideas on how to make the log spam stop?

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Calum, 5 years ago

Component: CorePlugin
Milestone: needs verified2.0.4
Priority: minormajor

This looks like a plugin, probably Stats using invalid keys that should be fixed.

Also wonder if this message should be Info or Debug level however then it would not have prompted opening this ticket ;)

comment:2 by Etienne Dechamps, 5 years ago

Your hypothesis is spot on! The following workaround fixes the log spam completely:

# chmod 000 /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/deluge/plugins/Stats-0.4.egg

I'm a bit confused as to why I have the Stats plugin installed at all, considering that on the Plugins page it is described as "Unmaintained" and unsupported in Deluge 2.x. I noticed the deluge-common Debian package (which is what I'm using) has it built-in, and I'm guessing that's because it's in the main repository that the package is built from.

If the Stats plugin truly is unsupported in Deluge 2.x, then maybe it should be removed from the main repository, or at least not installed by default?

comment:3 by Bro, 5 years ago

The Stats plugin was incorrectly placed in the unmaintained section. It is maintained as part of Deluge and has been moved to the included section.

comment:4 by Calum, 3 years ago

Resolution: Fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in develop: [ea609cd3e019] & [588f600ba281a6]

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