Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 6 months ago

#3315 new feature-request

Open Folder option shows me the folder where the file is, but the file is not selected.

Reported by: iiiGerardoiii Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: needs verified
Component: GTK UI Version: 1.3.15
Keywords: Cc:


OS: Windows 10

This seems more like a feature-request than a bug.

I know I'm being picky, but every time I use "Open Folder" it takes me more than 3 seconds to find the file since my downloads folder is full of files.

Example: open explorer.exe and right-click any shortcut, then click Open File Location, it will bring you to the folder with the file already selected, it would be nice if that feature on Deluge behaved like that.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by JohnTheCoolingFan, 6 months ago

Same issue in deluge 2.1.1, on Gentoo Linux, installed via flatpak.

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