Opened 3 years ago

#3506 new bug

Added sort order wrong after server reboot

Reported by: cheeseandjamsandwich Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: needs verified
Component: Unknown Version: 2.0.3
Keywords: Cc:


Using server on Ubuntu and thin client on w10/11. I have torrent sort order set to 'Added', so their sorted chronologically. This works as expected, closing/reopening the thin client, no problem. But if i reboot the server, then the sort order is wrong. One time was sorted by days ok, but the order the torrents were added during that day were wrong. It wasn't respecting their added time. And another time after a subsequent reboot some of my unseeded 0% downloaded torrents jumped up to the top. Above the torrents sorted only by day. If i continue using it, without rebooting the server, the newly added torrents sort as expected.

Client: 2.0.5 Server: 2.0.5-0-202112151848-ubuntu20.04.1 libtorrent:

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