Opened 3 years ago

#3534 new bug

Thin client disconnects on startup with auto-connect

Reported by: DjLegolas Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: needs verified
Component: GTK UI Version: 2.0.0
Keywords: Cc:



  • Thin client, with at least 2 daemons, A and B.
  • Daemon A - not running
  • Daemon B - running

When starting in thin client mode, and autoconnect is set to connect to daemon A, the client will try to connect to it (total of 6 tries).
The issue starts when connecting manually to the running daemon B when the client haven't finished trying to connect to A.

Expected behavior:

  1. Connects to daemon B.
  2. Stop trying to connect to A.
  3. Stay connected to B.

Actual behavior:

  1. Connects to daemon B.
  2. Connection fails to A.
  3. Disconnects daemon B.
  4. Trying to connect to A.

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