Opened 2 years ago

#3575 new bug

Multi-selected torrent changes all fields, even unedited ones

Reported by: cheeseandjamsandwich Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: needs verified
Component: GTK UI Version: 2.1.0
Keywords: Cc:


When multi-selecting torrent, and then changing some setting/fields in the 'Options' tab, it changes all the tab's settings/fields to the one showing, even settings/fields that haven't been set, edited. This is undesirable, and not how it works with other software.

Instead, the changes that get applied should only include the fields that were actually edited on the settings tab.

A familiar example of correct implementation is tick-boxes. When multi-selected many items, a tick-box will show ticked, if all the items were each ticked. Unticked if all the items were unticked, and grey if there was a mixture of ticked and unticked items. You could then click the tick-box to tick it, untick it, or return it to grey... cycling round as you click on it more... And with text/value box fields, if the values were all the same, it'd show that value, if they were different, it'd show grey... Then when applying, ONLY the settings that were changed would be applied to all the multi-selected items. But none of the settings that were not changed. This is a typical UX behaviour i'd say.

In deluge, this problem plays out for me when multi-selecting a number of newly added torrents, some downloading, some completed already... I want to set a different ratio, but when applying, it then corrupts the settings for the 'Move completed' settings, such that the torrents that finish afterwards do not then get moved, as the setting was unchecked for the completed torrent that was at the top of the multi-selection, who's settings were showing... To work around this, i'm having to multi-select all the completed torrents, make the change, then multi-select all the downloading torrents and make the same change... Twice the effort.

I seem to remember not having muti-selection available at all in 1.3.15, so this implementation is already very helpful, it just needs the polish to make it work perfectly.

Client: 2.1.1 Server: 2.1.1 Libtorrent: Windows 11

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