Opened 22 months ago

#3599 new bug

Inconsistent Folder/Title Issue in Deluge to Sonarr

Reported by: fritolays Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: 2.1.1
Component: Unknown Version: 2.1.0
Keywords: sonarr Cc:


Title from site: filename[sitetv]

Magnet appended title: filename[sitetv]

Title in torrent from torrent editor: filename[sitebg]

Title in deluge: filename[sitebg]

Title reported to sonarr from deluge: filename[sitetv]

When a magnet is added to Deluge, it retains the title appended to the magnet, which leads to inconsistencies. As a result, Sonarr is unable to import the file since it is looking for filename[sitetv], which differs from what is displayed in the Deluge GUI.

Deluge should report the folder/title that matches the actual file location to ensure proper integration with Sonarr.

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