Opened 6 months ago

Last modified 6 months ago

#3641 new bug

Error Downloading to Some Directories Windows

Reported by: Doadin Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: Future
Component: GTK UI Version: develop
Keywords: Cc:


I tried downloading some torrents to my F drive. When added the torrents went to an error state and said "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect". After a few failes trying to use "move download folder" to get it to work, at one point I got and error after clicking "move download folder" that said "The folder contents could not be displayed" "Error when getting information for file "E:\Program Files\Deluge\F:":Input/output error"

seems like maybe for some reason it was trying to use the deluge install dir + selected location? not sure what happened. Not sure if this was what was happening from the start or not.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Doadin, 6 months ago

No idea if it is related or not but looking in the conf files I notice: gtk3ui.conf:

"choose_directory_dialog_path" has \ \ between each dir.


"download_location_paths_list" has 2 items "F:" which did not work and "E:\ \VMs" which I have used many times in the past and does work. "download_location" after seeing the other parts and tring to set it to F looks like "F:\ \"

After trying to move the files again but not use the saved locations it moved to "F:\"(shown in the move download folder" dialog, just fine.

so maybe the saved locations is not adding the "\" or "\ \" needed for locations in the root of a drive?

comment:2 by Doadin, 6 months ago

I have done a little more testing and adding a root of a drive to the saved locations or favorites, idk what they are called but the drop down of locations. if you add the root of a drive it add ex. adding drive F = "F:" F: does not work as a location "F:\" does. just using the file picker or w.e. just chooseing not with saved locations it comes out as "F:\" so seems like for some reason the saved location for drive roots removes end \. and locations are not valid without the \.

Version 1, edited 6 months ago by Doadin (previous) (next) (diff)

comment:3 by Doadin, 6 months ago

Milestone: needs verifiedFuture
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