Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#522 closed bug (Fixed)

Deluge will not start - signalreceiver:77 Trying again with another port: (-2, 'Name or service not known')

Reported by: Owned by: andar
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: GTK UI Version: 1.0.0
Keywords: Cc:


I'm using archlinux deluge 1.0.0, boost 1.36, window opens with just a titlebar and here's the terminal output :

[INFO ] 18:32:59 main:93 Deluge ui 1.0.0 [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 main:94 options: {'config': None, 'logfile': None, 'ui': None} [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 main:95 args: [] [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 configmanager:44 ConfigManager started.. [INFO ] 18:32:59 main:98 Starting ui.. [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 ui:44 UI init.. [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 configmanager:88 Getting config 'ui.conf' [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 config:47 Config created with filename: ui.conf [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 config:48 Config defaults: {'default_ui': 'gtk'} [INFO ] 18:32:59 ui:60 Starting GtkUI.. [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 client:54 CoreProxy init.. [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 configmanager:69 get_config_dir: /home/bcropley/.config/deluge [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 configmanager:88 Getting config 'gtkui.conf' [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 config:47 Config created with filename: gtkui.conf [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 config:48 Config defaults: {'autoadd_queued': False, 'close_to_tray': True, 'window_width': 640, 'default_load_path': None, 'window_y_pos': 0, 'classic_mode': True, 'window_pane_position': -1, 'enabled_plugins': [], 'show_connection_manager_on_start': True, 'show_statusbar': True, 'autoadd_enable': False, 'tray_download_speed_list': [5.0, 10.0, 30.0, 80.0, 300.0], 'autoconnect_host_uri': None, 'window_maximized': False, 'enable_system_tray': True, 'show_sidebar': True, 'window_x_pos': 0, 'window_height': 480, 'lock_tray': False, 'connection_limit_list': [50, 100, 200, 300, 500], 'tray_password': , 'focus_add_dialog': True, 'show_new_releases': True, 'start_in_tray': False, 'autoconnect': False, 'choose_directory_dialog_path': '/home/bcropley', 'check_new_releases': True, 'autostart_localhost': False, 'show_toolbar': True, 'autoadd_location': , 'config_location': '/home/bcropley/.config/deluge', 'tray_upload_speed_list': [5.0, 10.0, 30.0, 80.0, 300.0], 'interactive_add': True, 'signal_port': 40000} 1.0.0 [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 gtkui:165 retcode: 0 [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 component:102 Registered QueuedTorrents with ComponentRegistry.. [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 configmanager:88 Getting config 'gtkui.conf' [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 component:102 Registered IPCInterface with ComponentRegistry.. [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 component:102 Registered DbusInterface with ComponentRegistry.. [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 ipcinterface:83 Processing args from other process: [] [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 ipcinterface:86 Not connected to host.. Adding to queue. [INFO ] 18:32:59 dbusinterface:82 Registering with DBUS.. [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 component:102 Registered MainWindow with ComponentRegistry.. [DEBUG ] 18:32:59 configmanager:88 Getting config 'gtkui.conf' /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/deluge/ui/gtkui/ GtkWarning: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated


[DEBUG ] 18:32:59 mainwindow:84 Showing window [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 menubar:49 MenuBar init.. [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 component:102 Registered MenuBar with ComponentRegistry.. [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 configmanager:88 Getting config 'gtkui.conf' [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 component:102 Registered ToolBar with ComponentRegistry.. [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 toolbar:48 ToolBar Init.. [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 configmanager:88 Getting config 'gtkui.conf' /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/deluge/ui/gtkui/ GtkWarning: gtk_menu_attach_to_widget(): menu already attached to GtkImageMenuItem


[DEBUG ] 18:33:00 component:102 Registered TorrentView with ComponentRegistry.. [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 listview:124 ListView initialized.. [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 torrentview:110 TorrentView Init.. [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 configmanager:88 Getting config 'gtkui.conf' [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 listview:193 Loading ListView state file: torrentview.state [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 component:102 Registered TorrentDetails with ComponentRegistry.. [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 configmanager:88 Getting config 'gtkui.conf' [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 torrentdetails:384 Loading TorrentDetails state file: tabs.state [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 torrentdetails:65 parent: None [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 torrentdetails:65 parent: None [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 configmanager:88 Getting config 'gtkui.conf' [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 files_tab:216 Loading FilesTab state file: files_tab.state [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 torrentdetails:65 parent: None [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 configmanager:88 Getting config 'gtkui.conf' [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 peers_tab:176 Loading PeersTab state file: peers_tab.state [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 torrentdetails:65 parent: None [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 torrentdetails:65 parent: None [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 component:102 Registered SideBar with ComponentRegistry.. [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 configmanager:88 Getting config 'gtkui.conf' [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 component:102 Registered Preferences with ComponentRegistry.. /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/deluge/ui/gtkui/ GtkWarning: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated


[DEBUG ] 18:33:00 configmanager:88 Getting config 'gtkui.conf' [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 component:102 Registered SystemTray with ComponentRegistry.. [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 configmanager:88 Getting config 'gtkui.conf' [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 config:158 Registering function for enable_system_tray key.. [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 systemtray:76 Enabling the system tray icon.. [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 component:102 Registered StatusBar with ComponentRegistry.. [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 configmanager:88 Getting config 'gtkui.conf' [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 component:102 Registered AddTorrentDialog with ComponentRegistry.. /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/deluge/ui/gtkui/ GtkWarning: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated

"deluge.ui.gtkui", "glade/"))

[DEBUG ] 18:33:00 component:102 Registered Signals with ComponentRegistry.. [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 signalreceiver:52 SignalReceiver init.. [DEBUG ] 18:33:00 signalreceiver:77 Trying again with another port: (-2, 'Name or service not known')

last line just keeps scrolling out

Change History (2)

comment:1 by andar, 16 years ago

This generally happens with an improper localhost entry in your hosts file.

comment:2 by andar, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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