Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#663 closed feature-request (WontFix)

ETA averaging

Reported by: AlexC Owned by: markybob
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: GTK UI Version: 1.1.0_dev
Keywords: ETA Cc:


At the moment the ETA is based on current speed and jumps around a lot due to changes in current speed (at least it does on my system). It would be more reliably represented as an average, eg. take average ETA for every 20 seconds and output accordingly. Just a thought, I know it annoys me.

I use 1.2.0_dev

Change History (3)

comment:1 by anonymous, 16 years ago

Owner: changed from andar to jrabbit
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by AlexC, 16 years ago

Component: othergtkui
Owner: changed from jrabbit to markybob
Version: other (please specify)1.1.0_dev

comment:3 by markybob, 16 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: assignedclosed did i become the owner of this mess? this wont happen for many reasons, the most obvious one being that we'd have to keep track of the entire speed history of every torrent and that would be an insane memory hog. no thanks

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